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Driffield Methodist Church Job Vacancy


Driffield Methodist Church Job Vacancy

We are looking to appoint a Family worker within the Methodist Church in Driffield who will help us to begin to change the demographic of the Church community from a predominantly middle and older age group to a more inclusive and younger membership that reflects the community of which the Church is a part. We wish to become a more open and inclusive community where we pioneer a Christian ministry among the young people and families in the Driffield area.

Our mission is to balance the needs of the established Church with the wider needs of the community and surrounding area.

This will be an exciting post for an energetic and innovative person to consider building relationships to address the social needs of young families in different ways. As a Church we need to look towards the future and the way we deliver our mission in these changing times, to ensure we address issues of social isolation and equality across our community.

Have you got the drive, the passion, the skills, and the ability to help us develop a modern inclusive Church, which offers a welcome to all.

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