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Driffield-Hornsea Methodist Circuit
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Below are some websites you may like to visit:

Driffield-Hornsea Circuit YouTube channel.
The Methodist Church in Britain
Yorkshire North and East Methodist District
Action for Children
All We Can
Methodist Women in Britain

... and some more newsworthy publications you might like to read:
Yorkshire North & East District Newsletters (here you can find the latest issues here or subscribe to receive your newsletter direct to your inbox).
The latest news from the Methodist Church in Britain
Global Relationships Newsletter (September 2022)

The Driffield and Wolds Weekly Newspaper.
The Hornsea and District Community News on Facebook.
The Driffield Leader

Safeguarding – our Circuit Safeguarding Officers are Hilary Himsworth and Sarah Atkin.
For more information, click here to link to the District Safeguarding webpage.

© 2019-2024 - Driffield-Hornsea Methodist Circuit