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Driffield-Hornsea Methodist Circuit
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Join our Zoom Church services! Connect with our Methodist Circuit from the comfort of your own home. All are welcome to worship with us.

We are an ecumenical group who meet for fellowship and worship, using Zoom to join together. Our community, whilst primarily based in East Yorkshire, is open to all and has regular members from The Cotswolds to the Kingdom of Fife and stretches across to the USA.

We hold Services on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month, with a break taken through August.
Please scroll to bottom of this page for the link to join, or email Andrew Barraclough to be added to the mailing list and sent details and the link before each service.

Worship comprises pre-recorded songs, prayers and readings. Talks follow biblical themes suggested by members, rather than the common lectionary as most attendees will already have heard the lectionary readings earlier in the day. To date themes have included 'The I am statements of Jesus', 'Prophets', 'The seven signs in the Gospel of John' and 'Psalms'.

Policies, procedures, information:

We adhere to Methodist Safeguarding guidelines
Leaders have DBS certificates and Safeguarding and EDI training.
The medium of Zoom means that the quality of reception is dependant upon the quality of individual's devices and internet connectivity.
A co-host monitors for 'zoom bombing' and enables attendees to mute/un-mute as necessary.
Services are usually at 6pm on the 2nd and 4th Sunday, but please check the circuit website for confirmation.

All song words are displayed on screen and accompanied by recordings produced by members of the Zoom 'Wolds Music' group.

For those who need extra help:
The nature of the zoom service means that the service comes to people in their own homes; so only need a suitable device to access the internet.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 861 0815 4849
Passcode: 712967

© 2019-2025 - Driffield-Hornsea Methodist Circuit