Driffield-Hornsea Logo Link
Driffield-Hornsea Methodist Circuit

The Methodist Church in Hornsea occupies a prime location in the heart of a busy Town Centre, next to the Town Hall.
Wheel-chair access is provided together with mobility scooter parking. Together with well equipped kitchen and ancillary rooms the premises are used daily for a variety of church and community activities. Accessible toilets and ample car parking in a public car park behind the church.
The popular Saturday morning coffee morning and Children's Corner caters for shoppers and local residents.
Our welcoming, mutually supportive community seeks to strengthen our discipleship through worship, learning, and witness to God's love through service in the local and wider context.

Regular Events
Tuesdays at 7:30pm (fortnightly) – Singing Group
Wednesdays from 2pm to 3.30pm – Afternoon Fellowship
Thursdays at 10am – Prayers & Bible Study
Fridays at 10.30am – Shoppers Service  
Saturdays from 10am to 12 noon – Coffee Morning

Policies, procedures, information
Our activities conform to the Methodist Church's policies regarding Safeguarding, and Health and Safety and are checked regularly.
Action for Children, All We Can and World Church are supported through special services and regular giving.
Local Charities are supported as well as MHA and The Leprosy Mission.
Refreshments are provided after morning worship.

Singing the Faith
The Methodist Worship Book
We encourage the use of hymns and liturgies from other sources.
A Video-Television provided through services.

For Those Who Need Extra Help
Large print Copies of hymn books available

© 2019-2024 - Driffield-Hornsea Methodist Circuit