Driffield-Hornsea Logo Link
Driffield-Hornsea Methodist Circuit

Driffield Methodist exists to be a Christian witness in the town of Driffield. Having completed our extensive upgrade of the C19th Schoolroom we now occupy the new, fully sustainable, Eco Church.

Go to our Facebook by clicking here.

Regular events
Morning Prayers on the Facebook page @ 9am, Monday to Friday
Mondays – Toastie Tots @ 9 am, School term time only. 
Mondays – Banner Brigade @ 2pm
Mondays – Chat and Games @ 1.30pm
Tuesdays – Tuesday Fellowship @ 2pm (Excluding July and August)
Wednesdays – Worship on Wednesdays @ 10:30 am
Wednesdays – Chat and Games @ 1.30pm
Saturdays – Coffee and Conversation @ 10am
Sundays – Sunday Club @ 10.30am 
2nd Sunday of the Month – Early Service with Holy Communion @ 9am
3rd Wednesday of the Month – Lunch Club @ 11.30am
Once a Quarter – Heeling and Wellbeing Service @ 6pm

Policies, procedures, information
We adhere to Methodist Safeguarding guidelines
Fire procedures
Health and Safety
Support of local charities

  • Unwanted bra's are collected in a labelled bin in the Church building. These are donated to The Yorkshire Air Ambulance to raise funds for their valuable work.
  • Used postage stamps (trimmed with a 1 cm border please) are collected and sent to Kidney Care UK.
  • Our Prayer Garden is an outdoor, quiet space, available to all.

Hymn books: Singing the Faith. Mission Praise (up to 798), Hymns & Psalms
Methodist Worship Book
Car parking at rear and front of the church

For those who need extra help
Loop System
Accessible toilets
Large print hymn books and service sheets available
Wheelchair access

© 2019-2024 - Driffield-Hornsea Methodist Circuit